He Loves Us, Not Iran
To be sung with Vaughn Monroe to the tune
"There I've Said It Again"
(I love you – there's nothing to hide.)

He loves us,
But to save his hide
He's had to
Toss caution aside
And tell us
"No way can war end."
Or we'll need one again.

He did it,
We've all heard him say,
"To scare 'em –
There's no other way."
He loves us
And will till it ends,
Then he'll do it again.

He's tried to come up
With words that would dumb up,
Or down, what he plans to do.
His humor still slays us –
His jokes all amaze us –
"Democracy, like their oil, it's free!"

Forgive him
If he's failed to show
The one thing
He wants us to know.
It's our love
On which he depends,
So he'll do it again.

Music by Dave Mann
Original Lyric by Redd Evans
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Dummy'