Heck Of A Job, Bush, A Genius You Are
To be sung to the carol
"We Three Kings of Orient Are"

Heck of a job, Bush, a genius you are.
Tax cuts for billionaires made you their star.
Your deficiting and your blood letting
Have gotten us where we are.

Don't you ever wonder how
You could blunder like O'Leary's cow,
Yet be repeating and constantly bleating,
"Heck of a job" and not "Holy Cow"?

Stuff still happens wherever you are.
Your scooter breaks and you've no second car.
GM is failing, Brownie is bailing,
And Rove's got you on R & R.

Yet you don't seem to wonder how,
When you blunder like O'Leary's cow,
Instead of repeating and constantly bleating,
You should be switching to "How now, brown cow?"

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Christmas Carols'
To 'Bushie, The Dummy'