Hey Judge
Sung to the Lennon & McCartney tune
"Hey Jude"

Hey Judge, it sure looks bad,
That seminar in Colorado –
Remember, buying judges is an art,
From a golf cart,
To an Eldorado.

Hey Judge, you had it made –
Expenses paid, a lifetime tenure,
A job Bush promised he
Would not outsource
Next week to Kenya.

So Judge, control your greed.
Show you don't need that lecture junket.
It's better to excuse yourself right now,
Than to kowtow,
And then be tempted
Not to recuse yourself from each call,
But wonder how
They might debunk it.

Music & Original Lyric
by John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Courts'
To 'Greed & Corruption'