Hiawatha Watches Half A Super Bowl
Remembering Longfellow's Indian legend
"The Song Of Hiawatha"
(By the shores of Gitche Gumee, By the shining Big-Sea-Water)

Climate change dooms Moonves TV.
Football played in too much water.
Football won't go where it oughta.
Never know who mighta caught 'er.

Other years most ads amusing
Even if wrong team was losing.
Most ads this year? CBS's:
Who survives, gets lost, confesses.

Prince was not electrocuted?
His wet wiring – not short-shooted?
Why endure another quarter?
Network ads and too much water.

Even with Dick Cheney's lying
No way is Chicago tying.
Quick, switch back to PBS.
Why watch ads for Les Moonves?

Original Verse by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
New Verse by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'