Homophobic Rummy neocons
Can't translate Osama's bring-'em-ons.
Arabic's not in their lexicons.
The Pentagon's still fooling around.

They fired out-of-the-closet Arab gays,
Twenty, who could understand each phrase,
And maybe help forestall more 9/11 days
The Pentagon's fooling around.

You can tell all those rubes
To forget their Jiffy Lubes,
That a guy not into boobs
Might still be needed around.

Wouldn't mind at all if Rummy's Huns
Discovered someday soon they've become the ones
Osama's going to make sure lose their buns.
While they're still fooling around.

* NY Times Editorial - 1/20/05
"The Price of Homophobia"

Music by Harry Warren; Original Lyric by Al Dubin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rummy'