How Many Storms?
Sung to the Bob Dylan tune
"Blowin' In The Wind"

How many storms must an idiot see
   from two thousand feet in the air?
How many days must an incumbent stall
   before we all see he's not there?
How many floods must he visit with friends
   to show CNN he can care?
One problem is he grinned and didn't look chagrined,
And now he's blowin' in the wind.

How many wars must an idiot start
   before he must cease and desist?
How many foes can he torture and maim
   when they can no longer resist?
How many boys will not be coming back
   because of the wars he'll insist
Are only against the Muslims who have sinned,
Whose Allah is blowing in the wind?

How many hacks and old friends will he hire,
   cronies whose experience is none?
How many firms won't have bid for their jobs
   to reconstruct the damage he's done?
How many tots who have not yet been born
   will be bailing out this son of a gun?
The problem you'll find is incumbents who don't mind
And still don't know they're blowin' in the wind.

Music & Original Lyric by Bob Dylan
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Domestic Disasters'