Hypocrisy Enough Tor Two *
To be sung to the tune "A Bicycle Built For Two"
(Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.)

Putin, Putin, give me a clue or two.
No disputin', I want to be like you.
With Gonzales in charge, I promise,
That long before they embalm us,
We'll browbeat, mistreat and unseat
Our dissidents like you do.

* The New York Times - 2/22/05
"Bush Says Russia Must
Make Good On Democracy"

Music & Original Lyric by Henry Dacre
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Romeo Gonsalves'
To 'Diplomacy'
To 'Here And There'
To 'Himself - Prevaricator'