I'll Have My Fingers Crossed
(Sung to the tune "I've Got My Fingers Crossed")

I'll have my fingers crossed
   at my inauguration.
Not much of what I say will be true.
I'll have my fingers crossed
   about investigation
Into lies that I've been lying to you.

No weapons of mass destruction
   I said would be there?
No plans for reconstruction?
   You think that I care?

I'll have my fingers crossed.
   No Social Security crisis?
You know it's a hoax?
I'll have my fingers crossed
   That you, not me, makes sacrifices.
One of my little jokes…

Music by Jimmy McHugh;
Original Lyric by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Election Aftermaths'
To 'Himself - Prevaricator'
To 'Still Overpriced'