I'll Never Vote For Bums Again
To be sung with Dianne Warwick to the tune
"I'll Never Fall In Love Again"
(What do you get when you fall in love?)

What do you get when you vote for bums?
Cheney, Rummy, Brownie, Rice and Bremer,
Plus David Letterman's haw and hemmer.
I'll never vote for bums again.
I'll never vote Row 'A' again.

What do we get when they blow Iraq?
A chance to double down for double trouble
Unless we prick Dick Cheney's bubble.
I'll never vote for bums again.

I'll never vote for bums again.
Don't tell them what a war's about.
They're not the ones who'll have to shoot it out.
Just because Cheney's zanies can't find it
Doesn't mean mullahs haven't refined it
When that bastard's already maligned it.
What do we get but his rejection
Of any CIA objection.
I'll never vote for bums again.
I'll never vote Row 'A' again.

What do you get when an adolescent
Is so bored he craves more action
Like a 'nucular Cheney reaction?'
I'll never vote Row 'A' again.

Music by Gerald Marks
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar & Sammy Lerner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Adversaries'
To 'Bushie's Cheney'