I'll Soon Be Nobody
Hillary's failed campaign prompts Bill to bemoan his future
to the song "I Ain't Got Nobody"
(I ain't got nobody and nobody ain't got me)

I'll soon be nobody,
And nobody's cup of tea.
Fees for my baloney
Will bottom out like Hillary.

I'll sing them coon songs any old time
And appear in black face just to show them I'm
No sexist racist,
Though maybe once upon a time.

I'm a fading VP.
Obama's now eclipsing me.
I look like a phony
Compared with what he's going to be.

Those secret windfalls that once were mine,
And sex-crazed goofballs who bought my line,
Don't find nobodys,
And soon nobody's who I'll be.

Music by Spencer Williams & Dave Peyton
Original Lyric by Roger Graham
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'