In The Labs
Sung to the tune "Hey, Good Lookin'"

Hey, Forward-lookin',
Whatcha got cookin'?
A new placebo or a
Slightly altered recipe?

By hookin' and crookin'
You won't be o'ertookin'.
You'll con us into thinkin'
You've some brand new formulee.

Your old best sellers are over the hill.
Now you need a new no-side-effects pill
With some sexy ads that work on TV
Acceptable to fogys at the FCC.

Whatever you're cookin',
They can't be mistookin'
For cheaper generics
Some nearly give away for free.

Music & Original Lyric by Hank Williams
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Greed'
To 'Policies - Health Care'