Is It True Fox TV Will Star Bushie?
To be sung with Al Jolson to the tune
"Is It True What They Say About Dixie?"
(… Does the sun really shine all the time?)

Is it true Fox TV will star Bushie?
Can it be that we need pantomime,
Where mouths are stuffed with cotton,
Iraqis mouth, "More, more,"
Where folks from Foggy Bottom
Claim they know the score?

Yes, it's true that the plot is fictitious.
Can't admit that he did it.
He'd do time.
Plus reality
Is not a thing that he
Could handle for an hour long.

Music by Gerald Marks
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar & Sammy Lerner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'