J. Kenneth Blackwell *
To be sung with Eddie Cantor to the tune
"Makin' Whoopee"
(Another bride, another groom, another sunny honeymoon)

J. Kenneth Blackwell is the crook
   who last November forsook the book
   so that Ohio, oh, me, oh, my, oh,
   went for the Whoopee.

If you handwrote, you'd later find
   you lost your vote and your behind.
   You'd be dejected as he rejected
   votes not for Whoopee.

Picture a line of voters
   at least eight hours long,
All because Kenneth Blackwell
   thought they'd be voting wrong.

Perhaps at last they'll jail the jerk.
   Well not so fast – he rates a perk.
   He'll be annointed and then appointed
   judge by the Whoopee.

* The Nation - 6/27/05
"Something Rotten in Ohio"
* Rep. John Conyers, House Judiciary Committee
"Preserving Democracy -
   What Went Wrong in Ohio"

Music by Walter Donaldson
Original Lyric by Gus Kahn
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Others'