John C. Yoo
To be sung with Doris Day to Cole Porter's
"You Do Something To Me"
(…Something that simply mystifies me.)

Yoo approved rules for me,
New rules we all thought he could wangle.
Tell me, how could Yoo be
So wrong on ev'ry angle?

Yoo ruled abuse was swell,
Incarceration, an excuse for Hell.
Young Yoo approved of more me,
So why do you pooh-pooh Yoo?

Yoo approved rules for me,
New rules that maybe work in China.
Their torture's Yoo's cup of tea.
But how come they need no court co-signer?

Yoo loves spying as well.
Your privacy? A mere bagatelle.
Young Yoo approved of more me,
So why do you pooh-pooh Yoo?

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Other Co-conspirators'