Judith Miller, Martyr
Sung to the tune
"Prisoner Of Love"

Two months in prison to remind me
How I had botched what they assigned me.
How sad if they had merely fined me –
Now I'm a martyr for Bush.

At least Lou Dobbs thinks I'm a saint now.
I sold my soul which seems quite quaint now.
All Bush's hacks hear that complaint now –
Now that we're martyrs for Bush.

Why is ev'ryone caring that Libby was sharing
   Dick's lies with me?
We swore to each other one way or another
   to sell Chalabi.

The New York Times which I caught sleeping
Belatedly finds itself reaping
Tremendous legal costs for keeping
A lying martyr for Bush.

Music by Russ Columbo
Original Lyric by Clarence Gaskill & Leo Robin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Judy Miller'