Killer Robertson
Sung to the Simon & Garfunkel tune
"Mrs. Robinson"

Congratulations, Killer Robertson,
Jesus loves assassinations, as you know –
Way to go!
If you need help, Killer Robertson,
There's a place for those who slay
While they pray, Bush's way.

So take him out, Killer Robertson,
Jesus loves to hear you'll get it done so cheap,
Unlike our Veep.
But watch the oil, Killer Robertson.
Bush doesn't want to lose a drop –
Bring a mop, for his Pop.

But are you sure, Killer Robertson,
That Jesus is prepared to say Hugo
Should be the one to go?
Maybe no –
How 'bout the Bush who's made Islam
And his Iraqi Shia happy as a clam?
Bam, bam, bam?

Music & Original Lyric by Simon & Garfunkel
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Religious Crusades'