McCain's Next In Line?
To be sung with Frank Sinatra to the Harold Arlen tune
"Come Rain Or Come Shine"
(I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you)

McCain's gonna save us?
Like Hell! He'll enslave us.
He's waiting in line.
There's no accountin'
For even a sliver
Of hope he'll do fine.

Foil his plans to draft us.
We'll let our telephones ring.
He'd have telegraphed us,
But Bushie and Bill said that wasn't their thing.

Save the Iraqis,
Not our boys in khakis.
That's McCain's line,
Plus more kidnapping
And Abizaid yapping
That all will be fine.

Why did we get rid of Rummy?
Just to depend on a dummy
Whose only plan calls for
Shooting off your butt and mine?

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Johnny Mercer
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'