McClellan's Ongoing Investigation
Sung to the tune
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"

They asked me if Bush knew
Rove had leaked that clue.
I of course replied,
Unless it's classified,
Why'd we hide who lied?

They said if you ever find
Bush claims he was blind
When Rove sent that wire,
Remember we're the guys
Judges penalize.

So Bush laughed
When he read Karl Rove's draft
Of how they could deny they'd lied –
Does that mean
They should both come clean
When you already know they lied?

Still citizens deride
What we can not hide,
That nothing that's ongong
Stands a chance of showing
Rove's been outing spies.

Music by Jerome Kern
Original Lyric by Otto Harbach
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'