Medicare for Bush?
To be sung to the Gershwin tune
"They All Laughed"

They all laughed to think El Presidente
   ever would need Medicare.
They all laughed to think the Secret Service
   wouldn't let them hurt a hair.

They all laughed to think that life insurance
   ever would be offered him.
With ratings nearing zero, he is such a hero
   to the Muslim world and Kim.

They laughed at him telling you
That the world was flat,
That he knows where those weapons went
And where Osama's at.

So though impeachment's pending
MetLife says, "No way, no how,
Fox, Chavez and Castro
Think they're holier than thou."

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyrics by Ira Gershwin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Is Doomed'
To 'Bushie, Impeached'
To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'