Miers' Fame
Sung to the Sam Coslow tune
"My Old Flame"

Miers' fame
Depends on the claim of the dame
That Georgie is the smartest man
She's come across since Peter Pan –
Now, that's a shame!

Miers' claim?
One wonders what could be to blame –
Should we assume she's always been
In Texas and in Washington?
Gosh, who's to blame?

She says she's not met any with his fascinating grin
The minute he begins to surmise
That someone might buy into his lies –
That his power to sanction pain
And torture citizens would gain

If Miers became
The judge who'd approve of his game.
That's prob'ly why he'd name
A woman he'd be sure would claim
He's not to blame.

Music & Original Lyric by Sam Coslow
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Courts'