Misogyny? Hell, No!
Working class white males respond to Hillary's whining
by singing to the Mills Brothers hit, "Paper Doll"
(I'm goin' to buy a paper doll that I can call my own)

Your party has a million dolls or more,
Who we'd be more than happy voting for.
But they've given us you
And that's why we're blue –
Baloney, Babe!
Our problem is you.

Your greed exceeds the greediest we've known.
You'd claim each White House bedroom as your own,
And have the gall again
To rent them all again
To those who're backing you.

We're goin' to find ourselves a pol who got here on his own,
And not a crazy doll whose Bill's a heel,
We hate sniper-dodging lies.
They've turned off all the guys.
We'd sooner vote for someone who's for real.

When we watch TV news we won't be waiting
To see which pledge you simply can't recall.
We'd rather have a newer pol nobody owns
Than an aggravating black-back-stabbing doll.

Music & Original Lyric by Johnny S. Black
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'