Monty Python & Ghenghis Khan
Sung to the tune "After You've Gone"

Why won't you listen, Rummy, when we say
You've botched the war so badly, there's no way
You could have done your part.
You blew it from the start.
Why Bush still trusts you after all these years
Is real hard to say.
Oh, Rummy Dummy, can't you hear our jeers
As we're blown away?

Monty Python
Can't see we're dying.
You're Ghenghis Khan?
Are Humvees flying?
How can you
Be that mad
When it is you who's bungled things so bad?

Your time will come
When you'll pay for it,
When kingdom come
Will fin'lly score it.

You'll wish Cheney'd been drafted –
That it was him, not us,
That Wolfowitz shafted.
Monty Python,
Make Ghenghis Khan go way.

Music by J. Turner Layton
Original Lyric by Henry Creamer
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rummy'