Must Democrats Be Abhorable?
To be sung to the Rodgers & Hart tune
"Here In My Arms"

Must Democrats be abhorable?
It's deplorable
The way they only care
That their re-election's assurable.
They're incurable,
They want to be sure they're
There at the start of each roll call, but only
To be sure that they get theirs.

Like Lieberman they're deflatable,
Being full of hot air,
And don't realize that there's really only
One reason we've left them there:

To rid the world of impeachabe
Bushie's heir.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyrics by Lorenz Hart
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Impeached'
To 'Bushie's Lieberman'
To 'Bushie's Other Co-conspirators'