No One's Wild About Harry
To be sung with Al Jolson to the tune
"I'm Just Wild About Harry"
(I'm just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about me.)

No one's wild about Harry.
You had to be there to see.
The way he hisses at near misses
Wasn't my cup of tea.

He's just a barrister dandy
Who'd try to get money from a tree.
To claim he's not a bird,
Is Chenily absurd.
He's another reviled attorney.

No one's wild about Harry.
If you had been there, you'd see.
To cop a plea, between you and me,
Was certainly cowardly.

To claim he's like chocolate candy?
When it gets to a hundred degrees,
And Harry starts to melt,
You would know how I felt,
Slick sticky fingered attorney.

Music by Eubie Blake
Original Lyrics by Noble Sissle
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Cheney, The Shooter'