No Tax At All
(Sung to the tune "No Moon At All")

No tax at all
Coming due.
It wasn't just the rich
For whom George Bush came through.
So why aren't thousands of us overjoyed?
His policies have left us unemployed
Paying no tax at all.

No tax at all.
Dreams come true?
He says we shouldn't bitch.
That it's exactly what he meant to do,
With results that leave him overjoyed –
He's lowered taxes for us unemployed,
Who pay no tax at all.

As for that deficit?
It doesn't hurt a bit.
He say our kids, and theirs,
And theirs will take the hit.

No tax at all.
Why'm I blue?
All because of one small glitch
He overlooked but ought not to –
We're losing weight because we can't avoid
The need to pay for food although we unemployed
Pay no tax at all.

Music by Redd Evans & Dave Mann
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Employment'