Oh, That Democracy Thing?
To be sung to the Harold Arlen tune
"I've Got The World On A String"

Oh, that Democracy thing?
That was just so Hamas
Could replace those sticky fingers,
And a vote
For the strife that I love.

Who said an "alibi thing…"?
Unpatriotic slander!
I always speak with candor,
Righteous me,
Guided from above.

So what's this media thing
About my tush in a sling
By some evil so-and-so
Who claims that I didn't know?

I had the NSA bring
Their files on sticky fingers.
What a bunch of humdingers!
So guess who,
With ten to life, we're tired of?

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyrics by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator - Hamas'
To 'Bushie's Snooping Policy'