Overhauling Congress
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"It's De-Lovely"

The deficit was the Congress' fault
Before they tapped into the Chinese vault
'Twas de-pork barrel, de-war crimes and de-golf trips.

But now they claim that they're not to blame,
That the problem's the way China plays their game
With de-currencies and de-coolie labor for de-WalMart.

You can tell at a glance
On whom they've lavished each dance,
And it's not on our troops in Iraq,
Who are murmuring low,
"Where'd our dough go?"

So repeat after me, you budget deadbeats
Before you indulge in your usual mincemeats,
And think of renewing your taxpayers' seats,
"Our low balling is appalling,
Constant brawling still galling,
And our calling
Badly requires overhauling."

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'