Please Don't Ask Me To Pull Out
To be sung to the carol
"Good King Wenceslas"

Please don't ask me to pull out. Their oil should be ours.
As Joe Lieberman points out, I have special powers.
Power to make dumb Democrats cringe and knuckle under.
Obviously scaredy cats second ev'ry blunder.

Week-kneed Lieberman's concerned with the next election.
Not Iraq's, so he's turned to me for direction,
Knowing I love compliments from folks with no gumption.
He hopes his constituents won't make that assumption.

Joe knows if he spills the beans, I won't likely cotton
To the need for submarines in a town like Groton.
Blessings on his willingness to pimp for more oil.
Pulling out would not address his need to look loyal.

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Christmas Carols'
To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'