Read Your Pink Slip – III
As sung to Bushie by voters to Frank Loesser's tune
"Take Back Your Mink"
(Take back your mink. Take back your pearls.)

Read your pink slip.
Lock in on "Lied."
Your speech was a pip?
But it's been classified.

No longer stumped?
But how'll we know
Cheney's been dumped
In Guantanamo?.

We thought you'd share successes like that with us.
Or is it too good to be true?
But do away with his habeas corpus
And we might take pity on you.

So why be aghast
At the message we've sent?
Your reign's been half-assed
Like our prior dissent.

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Dummy'
To 'Read Your Pink Slip I'
To 'Read Your Pink Slip II'