Reprise, Reprise, Reprise
Being sung by former CNN viewers to the tune
"Them There Eyes"
(I fell in love with you the first time I looked into them there eyes)

Lou Dobbs can't stomache them.
Ergo his stratagem –
Any American
Who is a Mexican
In disguise.

"Their jobs may be crappy.
It's what they do.
They'll walla' in squalla'
For a paltry buck or two.

"They're here illegally.
Why treat them regally?
They're bad guys.
Don't legalize them if you're wise."

He'll bluster like Custer,
Or lose his street creds as a Fox ball-buster.
But getting rid of them
Would mean a requiem
For Dobbs' reprise.

Music & Original Lyric by Maceo Pinkard,
William Tracey & Doris Tauber
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'