To be sung to Rummy to Gershwin's tune
(I've been away from you a long time.)

You've been in play for such a long time.
We know you've been told where to go.
So what's the deal?
That's how folks feel
And where you ought to be.

Look what has happened in the meantime.
Iran is gumming up your show.
DC's a zoo,
All due to you.
Rummy, your stuff's finis.

How they love to, how we love to
Jeer at you, Rummy.
You've let the whole world be
A place where folks all
Shudder at the thought of Bushie's
Waiting for him, praying for him
And his pal Rummy,
So they can show her
More blood and gore
For kicks like on his Dixie shore.

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Rummy'