Rummy Wonders *
Sung to the tune "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now"

So many are missing out now
When we could be teaching them how
To tell by the looks in insurgents eyes
Which despise and hate Gis.

So why are they so slow to sign?
We assure them most bombs are benign,
And the reason they're there
Is that George in his prayer
Failed to say, " Those are theirs; these are mine."

* The Washington Post - 2/21/05
"Army Having Trouble Meeting Reruiting Goals'"

Music by Will M. Hough & Frank R. Adams
Original Lyric by Joseph E. Howard & Harold Orlob
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rummy'
To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'
To 'Reviving The Draft'