Rummy's Encore
To be sung to Bushie to Gershwin's tune
(I've been away from you a long time.)

He said the war would last a short time,
And he's the one who's paid to know.
But what the hell,
It's not gone well –
Bushie, he's lost Round 3.

Lots of us know it's not the first time
He should've gotten a heave-ho.
In eighty-three
He made his plea,
"Saddam, help Ron and me."

Saddam used him and confused him –
Conned Ronnie's Rummy.
Why do we still not see
The risks of arming
Gangs he thinks of as salvation
Waiting till they, praying that they,
Bail him out, Bushie?

How could you encore
That quack in Iraq
Knowing how he scored before?

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Rummy'