Rummy's Woes
Sung to the Don Gibson tune
"Oh, Lonesome Me"

Bush and Cheney think their wars are so much fun,
But I'm the fool who has to try to get them done.
It's tough enough with two, but they want three –
Oh, woe is me.

My big mistakes was waking up and hanging 'round.
I knew I should've just retired and hunkered down,
But egocentric fools can't let it be –
Oh, woe is me.

He says God let him see
That wars like his could be
Fought with a bare minimum of arms;
And Wolfie, don't you know,
Bragged they will love us so
That we could win just using Cheney's charms.

I'm so upset about the news that we could lose
Despite our all-star cast of crony ingenues,
That they will soon be short one retiree,
No-ta-bly me.
One "bungling, aging, sleepy" retiree –
Who'll go is me.

Music & Original Lyric by Don Gibson
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rummy'