Send In The Hounds
(Sung to the tune "Send In The Clowns")

I have been blessed,
So listen real good.
I know who to fight and mess up
   as only I could.
It's my divine right,
   so why second guess,
Or be knocking on wood?
When they're out of bounds,
I send in the hounds.
I get 'em real good.

I'm His right hand.
Let there be no doubt
I know who are friends
   and who will flunk out.
My faith is so strong
   I've remarkable clout.
But check their backgrounds,
Then I'll send in the hounds
If they don't seem devout.

How can it be
That He picked me?
A sinner who repeatedly sinned
   whenever I could?
But I saw the light,
   and now only delight
In whatever I should.
I campaign in towns
Where serving hashbrowns
Is their soul livelihood.

Music by Stephen Sondheim
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'A Stephrn Sondheim Songbook'