Re-enlist in Rummy's army?
Sign up for another stint?
That they don't won't bother Rummy.
Very few read the fine print
That says he can at his discretion
Extend the length of time they'll serve.
Sign up once; you're his forever.
Hardly what our boys deserve.

What is Rummy's explanation?
What the hell is his excuse?
"Golly, sometimes bad stuff happens.
I can't afford to turn them loose.
Who'd have thought we'd need so many?
That we'd need them for this long?
Gee whilikers, just ask Bush Junior.
My boys and me can do no wrong."

Bob Carlson

To 'All Volunteers?'
To 'Cannon Fodder'
To 'Reviving The Draft'
To 'Rummy Ruminates'