Smoking More Polonium
As sung at Philip Morris to the Hoagy Carmichael tune
"Lazy River"
(Up a lazy river by the old mill run)

Smoking more 'Polonium Lites Two One Oh'?
We at Philip Morris feel you all should know
Cigarette tobaccos we still use contain
The deadliest of radioactivities.

Radiation sickness may in time ensue,
But please don't think we only leave it in for you.
Bush and Putin bought the rights
To sell to Muscovites
And share a puff or two with he who disagrees
With Bushie's use of third degrees.

Music & Original Lyrics
by Hoagy Carmichael & Sidney Arodin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Tortures'
To 'Bushie's Health Care Policy'