Sneaking Around With The N.S.A.
To be sung to the Floyd Tillman tune
"Slipping Around"

Why should we have to sneak around
   to circumvent the law?
Why shoud we live in constant fear
   of media's "Ah Ha"?

We knew it wasn't legal
   but that hasn't bothered us.
We've found that if we sneak around,
   The Times won't make a fuss.

Thank God it wasn't someone else
   who'd want to spread the news
That we've arranged to sneak around,
   to eavesdrop and peruse.

Presidential orders
   authorize our N.S.A.
To eavesdrop without warrants
   calls outside the U.S.A.

To hell with privacy concerns
   of U.S. citizens
For their calls to Pakistani

Music & Original Lyric by Floyd Tillman
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush, The Autocrat'
To 'Co-conspirators - Media Flacks'