So He Shot
To be sung to the Cole Porter tune
"You're The Top"
So angelic, yet an arcane relic
Whose scowl is oft misunderstood,
Like a Michael Jackson style priesthood,
Up to no good
If it could.

With no acumen for acting human
Nor desire to show restraint
He should be rehearsin'
To be a nicer person
Which obviously he ain't.

So he shot
A Mahatma Gandhi
From a spot
Where Napoleon brandy
In the Spring or Fall, or any time at all,
Is strange,
But an alcoholic can appear bucolic
Home on the range,

Where a sneer
From a prize tale spinner
And a beer
With the host mule skinner
In the dead of winter won't let a scowling squinter stop,
When the cowboy on the bottom
Wants the top.

Music & Original Lyrics by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Cheney'
To 'Bushie's Domestic Disasters'