Some Might Think I Had A Brain
Sung to the Wizard of Oz tune
"If I Only Had A Brain"

I'd play politics for hours
Showing off my secret powers
Dreaming up a smear campaign.
With the flack that I'd be catching
For the schemes that I'd be hatching
Some might think I had a brain.

That I can't indulge my wishes
While Karl Rove does prison dishes,
Is a dirty rotten shame.
Who'd have thought that Joseph Wilson
Could manipulate his Stillson
To protect his precious Plame?

I could prob'ly tell you why
Saddam wouldn't hurt a fly,
And why we didn't really need that war,
But then I'd think
And prob'ly start some more.

I will play my magic fiddle
Celebrating Rove's acquittal
And Judy Miller's pain.
With the thoughts Karl Rove is thinking
Just to keep my ship from sinking
Some might think I have a brain.

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'