Still Ravaged Town Of New Orleans
To be sung to the carol
"O Little Town Of Bethlehem"

Still ravaged town of New Orleans,
   will Bushie let you die?
He tried to keep FEMA asleep
   and visit from on high.
Yet with his bark and whining
   about his Brownie's plight,
He's fueled our fears that all these years
   he's never got it right.

How Bush was born is scary;
   when told to push she shoved.
Instead of one who'd earn his keep,
   we got someone who's goved.
Yet with a proper tether
   perhaps he'd do all right,
But who'd pull strings for wayward kings?
   Geppeto Cheney might.

Music by Lewis H. Radner
Original Lyric by Phillips Brooks
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush's Christmas Carols'