Strategy Thinking
To be sung to the tune
"I Cover The Waterfront"
Speaking to friends who've a need to believe
Whatever old lies I've got up my sleeve,
I like to pretend I've done my homework
So I depend on my all-knowing smirk.
But Rove has come up with this strategy thing
To see what results some kind of strategy'd bring.

I'm loving his strategy, but waiting to see
Will someone above
Be making one for me.
Will having a strategy help me rise above
The need to know why
A cowboy hunts for love?

Here am I
Strategy thinking.
Could this be something I've got to learn?
There is Dick
Strategy thinking.
Who is resisting? Who can he burn?

Does having a strategy mean I get to be
A lover and own my own Pepperazzi?

Music by Johnny Green
Original Lyrics by Edward Heyman
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Dummy'
To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Cheney'