That's Why Your President's A Champ
(Sung to the tune "The Lady Is A Tramp")

I don't approve when a girl weds a girl,
Unless her daddy knows which tyrant's got url,
In which case, darling, why not give it a whirl?
That's why I'm Cheney's rubber stamp.

After a bombing, I'll come around late,
But will go after any people I hate,
If they've got names that I can pronunciate.
That's why I'm Cheney's aide-de-camp.

I love a tax-free, rich clientele,
Who'll support me while the rest rot in hell.

Hate Eye-raq's climate –
It's cold and it's damp.
That's why your president's a champ.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson