The Brandy Party
To be sung to the hymn
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic"

Your pain will make you sorry
   you were born Republican.
Their lawyers now tell doctors
   what they can't and what they can.
You'll live with pain, you'll die in pain
   as Ashcroft tries to ban
The law in Oregon.

DEA Chief, Karen Tandy,
Wants the world to know that brandy
Is the drug that Bush finds handy
When shouting, "bring 'em on!"

Her DEA thinks doctors
   shouldn't help you when you hurt.
The drug that they're prescribing
   must be totally inert,
Or made by manufacturers
   who greedily assert,
"Pain's what we thrive upon!"

DEA Chief, Karen Tandy,
Wants the world to know that brandy
Is the drug that Bush finds handy
When shouting, "bring 'em on!"

Music by William Steffe
Original Lyrics by Julia Ward Howe
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Carols & Hymns'
To 'Bushie, Drinking Again'
To 'Bushie's Health Care Policy'