The Goal *
Sung to the tune "Ain't We got Fun"

If their plannin'
Means the bannin'
Of CO2,
Habit formin'
Global warmin'
Is gonna end, too.

On the basis
It repalces
Arabian oil,
Solar power's
Brightest hours
Will start to foil

Their jihadist
From e-mailin' their pleas
To keep mountin'
Ads discountin'
Employee SUVs.

Where the coal is,
There the goal is
Sending Bush a pipe-bomb.
A good deed? "It
Could be he'll need it
To keep himself warm."

In the meantime
Muslim free time
Might be better spent
On prayers,
Not cross hairs
With evil intent.

For while the sun shines,
No gas lines,
No coal mines,
Or Bush oily wars.

* The New York Times - 7/8/05
"Bush addresses global warming…"

Music by Raymond B. Egan
Original Lyric by Gus Kahn
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Environment'
To 'Policies - Security'
To 'Terrorists'