The Great Pretender
To be sung to the Buck Ram tune for The Platters
"The Great Pretender"

It looks bad for The Great Pretender,
Pretending his reign's going well,
For inasmuch as he's out of touch
He's again failed to answer the bell.

We've all seen how The Great Pretender,
So miffed that he'd go it alone
With a war that became an insurgent shell game,
Used a force Rummy'd pared to the bone.

To feel you can steal oil before you leave,
Is really to steal lives while thousands more grieve –

Sadly The Great Pretender
Wears his grin instead of a frown
Hoping we'll see, while he's trying to flee,
That it won't be just them he's let down.
Remember who watched New Orleans drown.

To spiel how you'll heal and quickly relieve
Storm victims, then turn on your heel and just leave –

Yes, that's The Great Pretender,
Rushing to get out of town,
Hoping we'll see what he told us he'd be,
A worthy successor to Brown,
Before abdicating his crown.

Music & Original Lyric by Buck Ram
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - The Prevaricator'
To 'Domestic Disasters'