Their Campaigns
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"Begin The Beguine"

When they begin their campaigns,
The media drools at what they are spending.
Give CNN their way, 'twould be never ending.
There's nothing as huge as campaign green.

They're lying once more, touting memoirs.
Is that a bar where they are praying?
Quick, click them off to miss what they're saying.
Turn it back on –
The same damn scene.

Go through that again?
You promised you'd never
Let an incumbent practice his art
Of spending so much he'd stay on forever,
While you pray whatever,
With death he'll depart.

So isn't it time for rapture serene?
For an FCC ban on those ads that are wasted
On folks who are sick of being lambasted
And prefer to download a change of scene.

Why let them campaign on TV?
Let them shout from cabooses of trains few can remember,
Trains we have left as a dying Amtrakian ember,
Where they'll conduct their campaigns.

Oh yes, let them resume their campaigns the old way,
But not on the screens we stare at for hours,
TV screens that before them were ours,
And could be again,
For thanks to the train,
Who'd know they began the campaign?

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'