Thinking Harder
Being sung by Bushie to the Duke Ellington tune
"Don't Get Around Much Anymore"
Missed the Saturday Dance. Heard they crowded the floor.)

Some may believe I'm goofing off
When I'm clearing brush in my yard,
But they find they are wrong to scoff
Once they learn that I'm thinking hard.

Don't they know how I think?
Can't they see we're at war?
That's what's so great about me,
I'm thinking harder than before.

For as quick as a wink
We got what I prayed for.
There's no root cause without me,
Who's thinking harder than before.

Had I not attacked
Iraq to appease
Cheney's demand
For forced democracies

Think how upset you'd be
Wond'ring what I'm here for.
You'd have begun to doubt me
And think I'm thinking like before.

Music by Duke Ellington
Original Lyric by Bob Russell
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Dummy'