Celebrating Hillary's unique attributes
to Frank Loesser's "Luck Be A Lady Tonight" from Guys and Dolls
(Luck, be a lady tonight. Luck, be a lady tonight.)

Here's to the couple who bought
The only Edsel left on the lot,
Who went for the tail-ender
For that older fender bender –
Experience that mattered for naught.

Here's to the ladies who thought
Hillary might be what's she's not:
Universally appealing
So no one minds her stealing
Delegates he legally got.

The Clintons never need a rule book.
Like 'W', they write their own.
Their specialty's to make a fool look
As though he wants them back on the throne.

Here's to the Clintons who ought
To know prior liars get caught.
DNA plus fingerprintin'
Applied to ev'ry Clinton
Can show who's doing stuff that they ought not.

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'