Travel Plans *
Sung to the tune "Fly Me To The Moon"

Bush announced his travel plans about a year ago.
Some suspect that he forgot. We pray that isn't so –
That the reason we've not heard of late is Tom DeLay,
That Bush is now reluctant to say who's going to pay.

The junkets that he's mentioned will cost lots more than Tom's –
Compare what Bush pays Rummys with what he pays noncoms.
So when you file your tax return, please check the little box
That lets the Congress authorize the spending of Fort Knox

To fly him to the moon,
Let him drift among the stars,
Starting personal accounts
On Jupiter and Mars.

In other words, buy his plan –
In other words, simply trust him.

He's filled our lives with debt
We will payoff evermore.
So we'll pray for NASDAQ
To soar like once before –

In other words, Merrill needs you.
In other words, Mars does too.

* The Washington Post - 4/18/05
"Private Accounts A Hard Sell"

Music & Original Lyric by Bart Howard
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Social Security'